July 24, 2009

Importance of English in Making Bangladesh Digital

Kashif Choudhury - English is a very important factor in the development of Digital Bangladesh. The information super highway that is the internet uses this language as the default and most of the world’s information is in this language, whether original or translated.

Also, when the proposals to spread technology throughout rural Bangladesh come up, the question of its viability is almost always headed by the fact that to fully utilize the potential of IT, one needs a moderate amount of proficiency in English as it is the principal means through which this kind of communication is carried out. What I am trying to say is that we have to improve our level of English literacy to be able to realize the dream of Digital Bangladesh.

EIS (English in Schools), an initiative taken by The Daily Star newspaper and Aktel is a step in the right direction. In this campaign, Under EIS, around 1,000 schools
Rest of the postacross the country will get three copies of The Daily Star five days a week free of charge. The distribution has recently begun and will be carried out in phases. Gradually, more schools will come under the scheme. Every week, an extra full-page with English language-learning materials will be brought out.

If more people understand and are comfortable with the language, they are going to be able to access information and tools on the web and use it to their advantage.

You cannot just spread technology and wait for it to improve people’s lives. You have to first empower the people with tools to utilize that technology and then, and only then we will skyrocket to the dream of Digital Bangladesh.

Your comments are always welcome.


Unknown said...
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Kashif Choudhury said...

mostofa, i read the post. It was quite informative.

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